Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Photoshop & Quark

Today I learnt how to use the program Quark; this is the program I will be making my magazines on, alongside Adobe Photoshop. I’ve learnt that when I make my magazine I have to be aware that when its printed I will loose about 5mm off of each edge, so to make sure I compensate for this is can put some margins in and work from them.

Originally I was going to use a mixture of colours to make my magazine bright and bold, but looking at the conventions of other magazines I think this would make it look too tacky and not appeal to buyers so I’m going to stick to a colour scheme of maybe 2-3 colours.

Some problems I have noticed on quark are the fonts and colours. The fonts seem a little simple to use for the masthead and the colours you have to choose and make your self. I wanted my masthead to really stand out and to be interesting, to fix this I am going to open them in Photoshop, put some affects on them (maybe using layers?) and then paste them back into quark as an image.

I want my magazines to have a recognizable logo / picture, maybe something that blends in with my masthead. To do this I am going to try and create this in Photoshop. I could try incorporating this logo into a letter.

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