Wednesday 31 March 2010

Completed Music Magazine Front Cover

Today I have completed my music magazine front cover, I am pleased with the overall appearance. The page is not empty, but also not crammed with information. I have created my own house style by using this symbol > before each strap line and by placing a black separating line between different stories. The key image Is also connected with the publication date. The image clearly has an autumn setting, which connects with the October release.

If I had to do it again I think I would change the positioning of the masthead. I would place it behind the head of the person in the picture (this would have to be done cleverly on Photoshop). Another change I would probably make is the image; I would use and image that clearly emphasises music (I.e. playing an instrument or in a recording studio.) This way your audience straight away no’s the magazine is music related without even having to look at the masthead.

Completed Music Magazine Front Cover

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