Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Completed Music Magazine Double Page Spread

I am happy with the finished double page spread. The design is simple and generally nice to look at. The fonts are easy to read, even though they are in a small pt size. In my opinion I have used just the right amount of images with out overflowing the page. The quote isn’t really revealing or scandalous in the way quotes are normally used in magazines. But I found that my magazine was about music and didn’t need to have scandalous texts.

If I had to do my double page spread again, I would look more closely at my text. The text at the moment is good, but it could be improved and made more interesting. The text tells the reader about himself and his music, but what does the reader really want to read about? Next time I would spend more time researching what people actually want to read about.

Completed Music Magazine Double Page Spread

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